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Instantly boost! missile! rocket!

your poetry career by 10x.

Application closes by 11:59 pm
Application closes 11:59 pm

Stop missing out on potential visibility and earnings

Stop missing out on potential visibility and earnings

Meet the friendliest onboarding team, and then we put you among top leaders who write like wine.

When you join us and get your five poems submitted, we collate from others too to form a poem pack containing 58 cards full of juiced value, full of art.

You earn royalties plus loads of other perks. At Collab, when you bring your years of knowledge into concisely written content. We bring the platform. And let both land beyond the moon.

Meet the friendliest onboarding team, and then we put you among top leaders who write like wine.

When you join us and get your five poems submitted, we collate from others too to form a poem pack containing 58 cards full of juiced value, full of art.

You earn royalties plus loads of other perks. At Collab, when you bring your years of knowledge into concisely written content. We bring the platform. And let both land beyond the moon.

Benefits Value Cupcakes you get only here

You write once. We sell for you. You earn royalties.

Like music, where an artist sings once and earns overtime, you write once on CollabCards. We collate that of others within your cohort to design, produce and sell for you. 

You own your copyrights.

Your contract will clearly state that you own and retain your copyrights for as long as your content remains with us and we sell for you.

Get featured amongst leaders. Boost your career.

Go together to go far. We offer and embody togetherness as a core value. You benefit by being associated with leaders within your industry.

How to start  boost earn

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Meet new people. Please be friendly with your interactions. Reported accounts will be reviewed and removed.

Keep an eye on our announcements channel for new writer's cohort.

Each cohort presents an opportunity to get your work published in our premium pack of card products.